2007 marks the 3rd year of the PMC for our family. I'm here to tell you, it was another great year! :-)
Last night Lindsay stood outside the Best Western in Sturbridge with a huge "THANK YOU!" sign. It went over great! Lots of riders passed and honked and waved. They were surprised to see someone out cheering for them on Friday night!
Last night, Marlaine, Bob and Bill Volunteered in Sturbridge. Marlaine and Bob at the Rider Registration and Bill at the Food.
For Eric and Lindsay, it started off at 3:15 this morning. They headed off to the Sturbridge Host for their Volunteer duties. Lindsay at Volunteer Registration and Eric at Luggage - although he ended up at Transportation.
At around 6, Lindsay, Marlaine, Bob, Derek, Josh and Emma headed out on the road to cheer on the riders.
This year they had a sign that said "Because of you my brother is LIVING PROOF" and got a lot of comments from riders (Living Proof is the slogan or whatever for people who have survived cancer within the PMC). It was nice to thank them for helping Tommy.
The Cheer Train stopped once in Charlton and then headed to Northbridge. Both places were great as were the people cheering in between.
The kids had a blast blowing their horns and high fiving everyone.
They had horns, the twirly noise makers people use on New Year's, hand clappers and Lindsay's personal favorite - COW BELLS!!! They had more than one rider yell "MORE COW BELL!" at them (Saturday Night Live fans will get this reference).
They saw LB (Lyndon Byers - formerly of the Bruins and now the WAAF morning show) twice.
The PMC is really important to our family and we all get pretty excited when the time closes in. We're already looking forward to next year!
Here are the pictures from the morning.